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& developers

together to

make stuff.

Our Religion?

The Power of Ideas.

Have you ever had that moment when an idea strikes, and you wonder, how does that not exist yet? Then, the moment passes as you think, someone will make an app for that one day. 


That's when They Should Make An App For That comes in.


We're here for all the entrepreneurs that have the ideas, but don't have the tech know-how to produce them.

Who We Are.

We're like HR for startups.

They Should Make an App For That was born out of an insight. Two Advertising grads realised that whilst we live in a world filled with startups and entrepreneurs, that there is still a lot of untapped potential. 


There's this moment, a lot of us have had it. It's when we come up with something and we can't believe it isn't out in the world yet. Then, we put it in the 'too hard basket' and forget about it. Our mission is to make impossible ideas, possible. We offer entrepreneurs a place where even the craziest ideas can be made, by introducing them to the people who can make them happen.


We are essentially Tinder for ideas-people. We’re driven by creativity, technology and innovation to bring together the people that are going to shape our future.


Alone, things might seem too hard. But with the right person, you can bring your idea to life and change the world.

How it works.

New Project

Upload your idea & validate it with a simplified business plan.


(All while being protected by IP laws.)

Meet Your Match.

Meet your other half; the one who knows how to give your idea legs.


We pick them not just for their technologically gifted skillset, but because they like the same things you do. 


You found your other half and made great things together. Awesome things. Your idea is off and running.


But our journey doesn't have to end here.

Get It Out There.

That's right. You guessed it! We're our own advertising agency too. 


Your idea has legs, now we can give it wings.

Join us & bring your idea to life.

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